Friday, 14 August 2009


I am going to make a video for one of the songs by a band called Ejectorseat.
The band consist of 4 members: *
Band Members

Ejectorseat are

Pete Backler - Singing / Guitar

Gary (Barrington) Cole - Guitar / Singing

Hurricane Andrew Foster - Drums

Phil Tonge - Bass Guitar / Singing

I dont personally know this band however about a year ago they added me on myspace to get there music more known, i speak to the guitarist occasionally about there music and they are more than happy for me to use there stuff and would like a copy of it at the end.
The band are a 4 piece from Derby, they seem to be getting bigger and have been on tour.
I would say that they are quite pop-rock and their songs are very different to each other with the odd acoustic song. so i think by using Ejectorseat means less pressure as with such a variety of songs and quite a few to choose from means i can pick the one i get the best idea for.
They are on myspace on my page so if anyone wants to have a look feel free to add them, they are more than happy with that


  1. Good idea Rachel. You will need to get written and signed permission from the band or record label, as this will cover you legally and will mean that the exam board (OCR) will accept your coursework. Without this, I'm afraid you won't be able to make the video.

    The other thing to think about is this: if the band agree for you to direct their video, you will have to make a non-performance video for them. It also means that they won't feature in the video. You have to think about whether or not this type of video will suit the representation of the band / track. Finally, original photography of the band will be difficult for your DVD cover and print advert components.

    We'll chat some more next week.

  2. hmmmm ok goood points there, i will have to find a more local band, and restart, sorry i thought i would go a bit further afield but that clearly is the worst idea iv ever had, nevermind
