Monday, 4 January 2010

Arctic monkeys-whatever people say i am thats what im not CD cover

This is Arctic monkeys debut album, Os Vampiros sound is similar to arctic monkeys, therefore by seeing how arctic monkeys CD cover artwork is presented may give me a few ideas.

Looking at the artwork in the Front cover is a close up shot of a male, which isnt in the band this creates some sort of enigma as fans of The Arctic Monkeys would begin to wonder who he is. The front itself is in black and white and alot of my music video is done in black and white therefore would link well if i were to borrow the same colour scheme. The idea that the male is smoking with his fingers in the 'V' shape which creates this rock and roll image of the band themselves, its like they are encouraging smoking and swearing, and within my video there are several smoking influences throughout. There logo is also on there to show who the band are, which again is in black and white, the font is different as its quite curly and soft and contrasts with the way the image is representing them as a rock and roll band. Also on the actual CD itself the logo is stuck on over the plastic, not actually printed as part of the artwork which is interesting for them to change it up a bit. The lighting is quite dark and is to conceal the mans identity in a way, as no one knows who he is anyway. This is similar to the back cover, the man still has the cigarette in his hand yet his face is turned away, again hiding the mans identity.

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