The next stage of our coursework is creating a magazine advert promoting our dvd. I have done some research into which type of magazine i would promote it in linking the genre and came up with NME and Q. But on terms of the band being a local upcoming band NME would be a better choice as alot of the adverts in this magazine are not known or mainstream bands that haven't quite made it. Also alot of NME is used to promote bands CD's/DVD's/GIG's which is what i want to do. The size of the adverts range from a full page to some smaller ones to fit more on one page. I have decided to do mine on a full page to match what has been done in NME. The dimensions i will use will be 24cm wide and 30cm long this is the measurements i got from a gig advertisement within NME. On terms of content of the adverts they range from a variety of things, some with just plain backgrounds and merely the writing on the advert, to some with a variety of graphics and images, some promoting the album artwork and some with just the band themselves with details. This gives me a variety of ideas on what i can do with mine because technically they are all from the same Indie genre just depends on the representation they want to achieve. Primarily though the advert was promoting the album or the band upcoming tour which meant the advert was the album artwork in order to make the reader go to the gig or buy the album. NME's target audience ranges within ages and genders, which means none of the adverts are aimed at one particular sex or age which means i can do the same thing to give me a wider range of people buying my DVD from the advert. Thats the art of NME it has such a neutral audience however it may not stereotypically be aimed at 14 year old girly girls as they may not like this type of music, it just aims to please anyone that likes going to gigs and likes indie rock and roll, which is why the audience is so big as it aims to the niche music audiences and the mainstream.

This advert is promoting Muse's Wembley gig on DVD. The artwork is the same as the DVD cover itself to instantly be recognisable. And as you can see they have stuck to the sam colour scheme in order to keep it simple and tidy (yellow, greys, white and black). However the largest font is the name of the DVD and not the band and in this case that is acceptable as Muse aren't and upcoming band, Muse are more mainstream so thy already have a loyal fanbase and are already known. This is different in my case as the band aren't known so i will probably make the bands name the largest font in order for people to know who they are. Also Muse have hidden their identity as again people already know exactly what they look like. However the majority of the adverts in NME don't have the band on the album cover or on the advert so in this case i think i will do the same. However if the reader sees the advert and decides to buy the DVD then they will see the band on the back cover and then know what they look like, either that or if they check their web 2 pages then they will be able to recognise the band for their name and what they look like. On Muse's advert they have added the names of the songs it features, this is so it can appeal to different range of audience as some of their fans may like ' supermassive black hole and hysteria' whereas some may like 'feeling good and time is running out' so its appealing to individual personal preference.
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