Tuesday, 2 February 2010

magazine advert design

Looking into more NME magazines to give me a wider variety of different adverts, i found that there are between 15-30 different adverts advertising gigs and albums. Both are quite similar as the tour for the gigs are usually to promote the new album and therefore involve the album artwork. I think i will use a similar technique because the band are an upcoming band so many people may not actually know who they are so to have the band featured on the front in some way. Either that or use the same design that is on the dvd cover so that those who see it in the magazine will then instantly recognise it in a music store or on the internet. They primarily have a main graphic, with the bands name in the largest font, followed by the name of the DVD/CD/GIG name in a smaller font. Some have a line about some of the songs which feature in it. "includes "hollywood", "vanity kills" and " i am the resurrection". Not all have any of the logos so i wont have to do this, although the majority are albums and wont need a CD logo, whereas mine is a DVD and therefore this should be recognised. And at the bottom involves an official website or any web 2 links to there page, e.g. myspace or facebook. And in some new CD's or DVD's include a release date to ensure the audience when they are able to buy it from. I will take all these conventions into consideration when deciding on the idea of my advert so that if it was in NME it wouldn't look out of place. I have decided that i will use the same design on my DVD cover for my advert as that has what all other bands have done, because if it is something different it may confuse the audience in what the band are actually trying to promote. I will stick to the original colour scheme of black, white and red as those colours work well together and stand out due to the simplicity of my advert. Also this is the same colour scheme of NME on the front cover which shows that they work well together and that it does stand out compared to other magazines front covers. The dimensions of my advert will be 24cm wide and 30cm long, these are the same dimensions on a full page advert in NME.

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