Wednesday, 3 February 2010

DVD advert 1

I decided to make this style of advert because when i researched other debut CD/DVD adverts they used the same graphic on the CD/DVD on the advert. This is because when it comes to an upcoming band not many will know who they are and by keeping the same graphic the audience will realise that the DVD is "that one from the magazine" as its the same design. Also by using the same its promoting the DVD/CD itself which is why alot of bigger more mainstream bands do the same idea.
During my research in NME several of the adverts I looked at kept the design simple, I decided I would do the same thing. By keeping it simple and minimalistic, it means the audience will want to find out more and do there own research by possibly buying the DVD or looking on there myspace/facebook (web 2 ) pages. Also by having less writing it means the first thing the audience will look at is the main graphic which is the 4 members of the band, but hiding their identity by adding a colour overlay to continue with the colour scheme.Looking into other bands adverts they too kept with a colour scheme in order for it not to look messy but more smart and clean and by keeping it simple.

The font size is important when it comes to deciding what size font to use. Looking at other fonts, the largest is the name of the band and is usually at the top or middle of the advert. I cant put mine in the middle as you wont be able to see the writing because of my colour scheme, so i decided to put it at the top in the largest font but again not too big (size 68). The name of the DVD/CD itself was in a smaller font, so i decided i would do the same, this isn't drawing attention to it too much but still big enough to be recognised. Looking at other adverts the writing was usually central this is because they don't know which page the advert would be on and if its on either side then the positioning isn't even and then certain information may not be noticed as its not within the eye of the reader when turning the page. This is why i decided to keep all the information in the middle of the page so that if its on the left or right of the magazine, the information wont go unnoticed.

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