Tuesday, 2 March 2010

questionnaire for audience feedback

Questionnaire for audience feedback

1) Which other bands or artists would you say are similar to Os Vampiros? (state as many as you like)

2) Do you think this song matches the performance based video?
Yes [ ] No [ ] Please give a reason for your answer

3) Do you think this type of video matches other indie bands Music Videos?
Yes [ ] No [ ] Please Specify

4) What channels would you potentially see my video on?
Kiss [ ] MTV 2 [ ] NME channel [ ] Smash hits! [ ] Q [ ] Other [ ]
Please state………………………………........................................................................................................................................

5) Why could you see it being on that channel?

6) What audience ages do you think this video is aimed at? (Please state a range e.g. 0-15 yr olds and gender)

7) Do you think this video is aimed at a specific gender?
Male [ ] Female [ ] Both [ ] Please state a reason for your answer

8) How are the band represented in the video?

9) Why do you think they are represented that way? (from what you see in the video)

10) What do you think was wrong with the video?

11) In what ways could the video be improved?

12) How old are you ?
0-10 [ ] 11-16 [ ] 17-21 [ ] 22-30 [ ] 30+ [ ]

13) Any additional comments are welcome

Thank you for your time and taking part in my audience feedback questionnaire. Hope you enjoyed the video

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