Wednesday, 1 July 2009

  • Disjunctive: A technique to go against the representations of the music, the video is not used to emphasise the song. 
  • Amplified: A technique used to 'amplify' (reinforce) a distinctive idea (exajurates) within the song
  • Illustrative: A technique used to reinforce the lyrics of the music through the visual 
  • Wiz Pan An extremely quick pan leaving blurrs after it pans
    Crash zoom An extremely quick forward zoom
    Today we studied:
    Spike Jonze - Its oh so quiet- Bjork
    Practice deconstruction:
    Contrast in opening- visual contrast - starts like a horror
    Lighting effects match tempo + structure
    Synchronous (up beat = fast) (slow = low key lighting)
    Similar to musical = Borrows conventions of musical
    Centrally framed
    Orange dress = stand out
    Artist is represented as quirky
    Cam slowly tracks Bjork
    Low key lighting + slow "its oh so quiet"= illustrative
    Trumpet blair = wizpan, crash zoom, mise en scene borrowed from musicals and continuity editing (when stunt double is used to flip)
    Walks on crain = rises up = symbolizing status/feeling
    =Amplified narrative

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